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  • 2000~
    2002 KEMATEX SDN BHD Malaysia 45TON/HR wood boiler installation
    2003 ASME STAMP 'S" , "U" & "PP" acquistion.
    2004 Installation of hot water boiler 68.8 Gcal/hr at Yongin branch of Korea district heating corporation.
    2007 Installation of wood-chip boiler 27Ton/hr at Daegu branch of Korea district heating corporation.
    2008 Installation of hot water boiler 103 Gcal/hr at Paju branch of Korea district heating corporation.
  • 1990~1999
    1993 Development and export of boiler for power generation SERIAM 13MW 2 set Installations.
    1994 KORINDO 9.5MW 1set installation.
    1994 Development of waste heat boiler.(SSANGYONG OIL REFINERY 100TON/HR x 53KG/CM2)
    1998 Obtained ISO9001 certification.(Korea Quatity Assurance institute)
    1999 Moved Yeoju factory and opened Seoul office due to bussiness expansion.
  • 1980~1989
    1982 UK NT Companys Softcoal Boiler Import and Sales
    (Source : HAETAE CO.LTD)
    1983 Dispatch of technical trainees to Nei in the UK
    1984 Moved to Suwon factory due to business expansion
    1986 Acquistion of type approval for the development of fiexible coal boiler
    1986 Autp Clave development market entry
  • 1970~1979
    1970 Establishment of DAELIM BOILER
    1972 Awarded Minster of Intenor management Award
    1974 Certain heat use equipment manufacturing permit file
    1976 Indonesian Special Boiler Market Opens
    1979 Acquistion of approval of all items under Article 24 of the Energy Rationalization Act.

Head office
A-310-1, 97, Siheung-daero, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
TEL : 82-2-892-2244~5FAX : 82-2-894-2727
E-mail : dlm1970@hanmail.net
162, Majung-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon, Korea
TEL : 82-31-881-1010FAX : 82-31-881-3232

copyright DAELIM BOILER Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.